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Igniting the Spark of Life in people with dementia

Dementia Foundation for Spark of Life is the fundraising arm of Dementia Care International.

Dementia Foundation for Spark of Life 

Dementia Foundation for Spark of Life is a pioneering foundation with
a focus on elevating the quality of dementia care.

The work of this Foundation is unique because it brings the
conscious practice of love and compassion into dementia care;
igniting the Spark of Life.

Click on a sparkle to see where the Dementia Foundation for Spark of Life is supporting people with dementia around the world

Dr. Richard Taylor who had dementia

I believe we all have the same spark; the same life; the same human needs – even though we live with a cognitive disorder. Show us your spark and believe in our spark. The Spark of Life Philosophy can and should be a part of every carer’s life, everyone who is living with dementia, and indeed everyone on the planet.

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